Label me ‘Human’ - The CSBS Human Club.
Join us in celebrating the beauty of being human.
Labels have become a defining feature of today’s world, often dividing us instead of bringing us closer together. In the support sector, labels can act as stumbling blocks, creating barriers where understanding and connection should thrive.
At CSBS, we believe in looking beyond labels to see the human first. We celebrate the shared experiences, challenges, and triumphs that make us all part of the ‘human club.’
This is our commitment to embracing humanity in all its beauty, complexity, and individuality.
It seems that of late the world is heading in a new tangent. As with any change there’s pros and cons. The good, the bad, the ugly and dare we say it, lately the strange…
It’s the ‘labels’ if we’re honest. We’re just not sold on them. They seem distracting and in a world that seems to be fanatically skipping down the path of polarisation they’re great at getting in the way and causing further division. In the support sector they can be stumbling blocks, trip hazards that we have wrapped ourselves in for fear of offending anyone.
We do not see labels, we see the HUMAN!
For us, you are human, and we see you; respect you and celebrate you for it.
Being human is scary but wonderful. Filled with moments of beauty, horror, hope, despair, love, joy, sadness. Tears and smiles…. sometimes even in the same breath.
Being human means enduring loneliness and at other times exulting in the deepest of connections. We want to assure you that in all of it and through all of it, we see you and offer to be with you – no matter your ‘label’.
You see, like you we are in the ‘human club’. We suggest that our commonalties far outweigh our differences, and we’d like to celebrate those with you as much as what makes you different.
We get it some labels can be important. They’re identifying markers that signal to the world – ‘this is who I am – these are the torments I have endured and this group with which I identify gets me and I feel seen and safest here’.
Our aim is not to deny that, nor is it to turn a blind eye to your struggles and dismiss them. Far from it, in fact we’ll bloody well celebrate them with you – you beautiful human!
Look at all you’ve done despite and because of your experiences, abilities and dare we say ‘labels’.
"YOU are beautiful, wonderful and worthy."
We See YOU
We’re ready to work with you as part of the human club. Listen to your story, be with you and overcome, endure and outlast together. Let’s see each other as humans first, let’s deny the labels for a while if not eternity.
Let’s simply see each other as human and start from there.
Then, from there, who knows what’s possible? Who knows what adventures we’ll have as humans sharing the experience of… simply being human together.