Discover the CSBS 4D Difference
Our interconnected way of working with people to design & deliver supports that are relevant & wanted
A new way of providing disability support for NDIS particpants
Our 4D model of engagement is our interconnected way of working with people to design & deliver supports that are relevant & wanted – supports that are enjoyable, and supports that focus on building skills & confidence to live safe, happy, and healthy lives.
How we deliver the CSBS 4D model
Discover is asking questions and learning about what’s important to you,
what supports mean to you and how you would like them managed.
We will ask, what supports do you want and need?
- Can you tell us about your goals and what you want us to do to support you to reach them?
- What do you hope to receive from us?
- What is important to you?
- What are the things that you must or must not have as part of your supports?
- What’s non-negotiable?
Design is understanding what you shared with us, and using our expertise to design supports with you that meet your wants and needs, and fit within the NDIS systems.
Deliver is delivering your supports as you have requested within the NDIS guidelines. We work hard to make your supports work for you the way you need them.
Develop Phase
Is reflecting on what we did together; what works well & what needs to change. We rediscover and redesign as needed, so that your supports remain relevant to you.
Getting Started Is Easy
Call us on 1300 18 11 88, fill in our general contact form or complete a referral form and tell us about the supports you are looking for.
Are we a good fit for your needs? Let’s take the time to find out.
Then we Discover, Design, Deliver & Develop – our 4D‘s!
Supports We Offer
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